紡織術語 – betway.net 網 - betway.net,50%体育首存红利~ //www.52wlchibi.com 50%体育首存红利~ -betway.net 廠-供應betway.net We provide corduroy fabrics Wed, 17 May 2023 08:08:57 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.22 紡織染整英語:檢測術語大全 //www.52wlchibi.com/13146.html Tue, 26 Jan 2021 00:18:30 +0000 //www.52wlchibi.com/?p=13146 色牢度試驗項目 COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS
皂洗牢度 washing
摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking
汗漬牢度 perspiration
幹洗牢度 drycleaning
光照牢度 light
水漬牢度 water
氯漂白 chlorine bleachspotting
非氯漂白 non-chlorinebleach
漂白 bleaching
實際洗滌(水洗一次) actual laundering(one wash)
氯化水 chlorinated water
含氯泳池水 chlorinated poolwater
海水 sea-water
酸斑 acid spotting
堿斑 alkaline spotting
水斑 water spotting
有機溶劑 organic solvent
煮呢 potting
濕態光牢度 wet light
染料轉移 dye transfer
熱(幹態) dry heat
熱壓 hot pressing
印花牢度 print durability
臭氧 ozone
煙熏 burnt gas fumes
由酚類引起的黃化 phenolicyellowing
唾液及汗液 saliva andperspiration

皂洗尺寸穩定性 dimensionalstability to washing (washing shrinkage)
洗滌/手洗後的外觀 appearance afterlaundering / hand wash
熱尺寸穩定性 dimensionalstability to heating
熨燙後外觀 appearance afterironing
商業幹洗穩定性 dimensionalstability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)
商業幹洗後外觀(外觀保持性) appearance aftercommercial drycleaning (appearance retention)
蒸汽尺寸穩定性 dimensionalstability to steaming
鬆弛及氈化 dimensionalstabilty to relaxation and felting
縫紉線形穩定性 dimensionalstability for sewing thread

拉伸強力 tensile strength
撕破強力 tear strength
頂破強力 bursting strength
接縫性能 seam properties
雙層織物的結合強力 bonding strengthof laminated fabric
塗層織物的粘合強力 adhesion strengthof coated fabric
單紗強力 single threadstrength
縷紗強力 lea strength
鉤接強力 loop strength
纖維和紗的韌性 tenacity offibres and yarn

織物密度(機織物) threads per unitlength (woven fabric construction)
織物密度(針織物) stitch density (knittted fabric)
紗線支數 counts of yarn
紗線纖度(原樣) denier counts asreceived
織物幅寬 fabric width
織物克重 fabric weight
針織物線圈長度 loop length ofknitted fabric
紗線卷曲或織縮率 crimp or take-upof yarn
割絨種類 type of cut pile
織造種類 type of weave
梭織物緯向歪斜度 distortion inbowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)
圈長比 terry to groundratio
織物厚度 fabric thickness

纖維成分 fibre composition
染料識別 dyestuffidentification
靛藍染料純度 purity of indigo
含水率 moisture content
可萃取物質 extractablematter
填充料和雜質含量 filling andforeign matter content
澱粉含量 starch content
甲醛含量 formaldehydecontent
甲醛樹脂 presence of formaldehyderesin
棉絲光度 mercerisation incotton
PH值 PH value
水能性 absorbance

普通織物的燃燒性能 flammability ofgeneral clothing textiles
布料的燃燒速率(45。角) burning rate ofcloth (45。angle)
瑞典成衣燃燒性能 Sweden fireproperties of apparel textile


耐磨性 abrasionresistance
抗起毛起球性 pillingresistance
拒水性 water repellency
抗水性 water resistance
折痕回複力 wrinkle recovery
布料硬挺度 fabric stiffness
彈性及回複力 stretch &recovery


羽絨成分分析 compositionanalysis
膨鬆度 filling power
雜色毛和絨的比例 black tip
填充料的淨重量 new weight (conditioned) of fillingmaterial
含水率 moisture content
溶劑可溶物的測定 determination ofsolvent solube
酸度 acidity
好氧指數 oxygen number
清潔度 turbidity test
羽絨布防漏性 penetrationresistance of cloth to feather & down

洗滌後外觀 appearanc afterlaundering
貯存後外觀 appearance afterstorage
耐燙性能 resistance toironing
拉鏈強力 zipper strength
拉鏈的往複性 reciprocatingtest
拉鏈耐用性 durability ofzipper
拉鏈的使用性能 operability ofzipper
魔術貼剪力 shear strength ofhooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)
魔術貼撕離力 peeling strengthof hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)
魔術貼分合 consecutiveadhere/ separation exercising on hooks & loops fastener (velcro tape)
金屬拋光物的鏽蝕/變色試驗 corrosion /tarnish test on metallic finishes
按鈕分開強力 unsnapping ogsnap fasteners
金屬鈕扣、鉚鈕的緊固試驗 security ofmetallics buttons,rivets,ets.
按鈕的緊固試驗 security of snapbutton
鈕扣強力 strength ofbuttons
耐洗液腐蝕性 resistance to washliquor
耐幹洗溶劑腐蝕性 resistance todrycleaning solvents
鈕扣撞擊測試 button impacttest
鈕扣拉力試驗 button tensiontest
鈕扣鈕力試驗 button torquetest
按鈕附著力 snap attachmentstrength
裝飾物附著力 trim attachmentstrength

適當試驗後推薦護理標簽 care instruction/labelrecommendation after appropriate testing (testing charges excluded)
成衣尺寸測量 garment sizemeasurement
硫化染料染色的紡織品的加速老化 acceleratedageing of sulphur-dyed textiles
色差判定 colour differenceassessment

11纖維和紗的試驗項目 FIBRE & TESTS
短纖維長度 fibre staplelength
線形密度 linear density
纖維直徑 fibre diameter
單根纖維強力 single fibrestrength
纖維韌性 tenacity of fibre
紗支 yarn count
紗線纖度(原樣) denier count asreceived
連續或非連續纖維的識別 identification ofcontinuous/ discontinuous fibres
每卷經紗長 length of threadper roll
紗線淨重 net weight ofthread
單紗強力 single threadstrength
絞紗強力 lea strength
線圈強力 loop strength
紗線韌性 tenacity of yarn
紗撚度 twist per unit

重量 weight
厚度 thickness
纖維含量 fibre content
樹脂含量 resin content
壓縮與回複試驗 compresssion andresilience test
樣品分析前準備 sample dissectionfor analysis preparation
皂洗尺寸穩定性 dimensionalstability to washing
機洗/水洗後的外觀 appsitionof pile & back

摩擦色牢度 colour fastness to rubbing
光照色牢度 colour fastnessto light
水漬色牢度 colour fastnessto water
毛束聯結牢度 tuft withdrawalforce (tuft bind)
毛束經密度 pitches per unitlength
毛束緯密度 rows per unitlength
底布密度 threads per unitlength of backing
單位麵積重量 weight per unitarea
表麵毛絨密度(隻做單層毛毯) surface piledensity (single level pile carpet only)
起絨紗股數 ply of pile yarn
割絨種類 type of cut pile
毛絨或毛圈長度 pile or looplength
毛絨或底部的纖維成分 fibre compositionof pile & back

紡織機械專業術語大全中英文對照 //www.52wlchibi.com/12351.html Thu, 20 Aug 2020 06:31:33 +0000 //www.52wlchibi.com/?p=12351 一、紡紗類機械
1. 棉紡前紡機械 Preparatory machinery for cottonspinningsystems
2. 軋花機 Gins
3. 打包機 Baling presses
4. 拆包機及抓包機 Bale breakers, bale pluckers
5. 清花間用機械 Blow room machinery
6. 混棉箱 Blending hoppers
7. 梳棉機自動喂棉機 Automatic feeding devices forcardingmachines
8. 梳棉機 Carding machines
9. 並條機 Drawing frames
10. 條卷機 Sliver lap machines
11. 精梳機 Combing machines
12. 粗紗機 Speed frames
13. 包紗機 Covering machines
14. 精梳毛紡、半精梳毛紡、毛紡前紡機械 Preparatory machinery forworsted,semi-worsted or woolen spinning systems
15. 羊毛開包機 Wool bale brokers
16. 洗毛生產機 Wool washing lines
17. 開鬆除雜機、和毛機、彈毛機willowingmachineryand teasers, garnet machines
18. 廢毛利用生產機 Waste reclamation
19. 梳毛機 Carding machines
20. 自動喂毛機 Auto-feeder
21. 並條機 Draw frames
22. 精梳機 Combing machines
23. 毛條複洗機 Back washing machines
24. 精梳紗線用翼錠機 Flyer frames for worsted yarn
25. 麻纖維前紡機械 Preparatory machinery for bastefibersspinningsystems
26. 預梳機 preparing machines
27. 梳麻機 Carding machines
28. 並條機 Draw frames
29. 纖維長絲、短纖維生產機械、長絲處理機 Machinery for the production for man-madefilamentsand for filaments treatment
30. 擠壓機 Extruders
31. 卷繞頭及卷取裝置 Winding on or take up units
32. 拉伸加撚機Drawtwisters
33. 短纖維切斷機 Staple fiber cuttingmachines
34. 直接成條機 Converters
35. 合成扁絲生產線 Synthetic tape producing machines
36. 聚合物過濾器/部件/濾芯Ploymerfiter/elements/fibermets
37. 紡紗機 Spinning machinery
38. 棉紡用環錠紡紗機 Ring-spinning frames for cottonspinningsystem
39. 精梳毛用環錠紡紗機 Ring-spinning frames forworsted spinningsystem
40. 半精梳毛用環錠紡紗機 Ring-spinning frames forsemi-worstedspinning system
41. 毛紡用環錠紡紗機 Ring-spinning frames forwoolen spinning system
42. 麻纖維用環錠紡紗機 Ring-spinning frames forbast fibers spinning
43. 絲束直接紡紗用環錠紡紗機 Ring-spinning frames fordirect spinning
44. 氣流紡紗機 Rotor spinningframes
45. 翼錠紡紗機 Flyer spinningframes
46. 摩擦紡紗機 Friction spinningframes
47. 空心錠子紡紗機 Hollow spindle spinningmachines
48. 花式紡紗機 Fancy yarn spinningmachines
49. 噴氣紡紗機 Air jet spinningmachines
50. 絡筒機、搖紗機 Winding and reelingmachinery
51. 寶塔形和扁柱形筒子絡筒機 Cone and cheesewinders
52. 寶塔形和扁柱形筒子精密絡筒機 Precision cone and cheesewinders
53. 卷緯機Pirnwinders
54. 空心紆子卷緯機 Winding machines for tubular cops
55. 絡並機 Doubling winders
56. 卡片繞紗機 Card winding machines
57. 其他絡筒機、搖紗機、包紗機 Other reeling machines
58. 變形機 Texturing machines
59. 假撚變形機 False twisting machines
60. 空氣變形機 Air texturing machines
61. 膨化和卷曲機 Bulking and crimpingmachines
62. 並撚聯合機 Doubling and twistingmachines
63. 環錠並撚機 Ring doubling and twistingframes
64. 倍撚機 Double twist frames
65. 上行式撚線機 Up-twisters
66. 花式撚線機 Novelty twisters
67. 複合一步法撚線機 Multi-steps twisting machines
68. 倍撚機配件 Double twist parts & accessories
69. 搓繩和製繩機 Cordage and rope making machinery
70. 填絮、縮絨、製帽、針刺製氈和無紡織物機械 Machinery for wadding,felting, hat-making,needle-felting and non-woven fabric
71. 填絮機 Wadding machinery
72. 縮絨機 Felting machinery
73. 卷板機 Lapping machines
74. 針刺製氈機 Needle felt looms
75. 無紡織物生產線(幹法) Non-woven fabric lines(dry process)
76. 無紡織物生產線(濕法) Non-woven fabric lines(wet process)
77. 紡紗廠輔助機械 Auxiliary machinery for spinningmills
78. 自動落紗裝置 Automatic doffingdevices
79. 紗布機金屬針布 Card clothing and metalliccard
80. 包針布機 Wire mounting machines
81. 磨針布機 Card grinding machines
82. 拉伸輥研磨和包覆機 Drafting roller grinding andcoveringmachines
83. 紗線稱重、包裝、加標機 Machines for weighting,packaging, labelingof yarns


84. 紗線汽蒸機 steaming machines for yarns
85. 織造準備機、織造機、簇絨機 Weaving preparatory machinery,weavingmachinery, tufting machinery
86. 織造準備輔助機 Weaving preparatory and auxiliary machinery
87. 筒子架 Creels
88. 分條整經機 Sectional warping machines
89. 軸經整經機 Beam warpingmachines
90. 整經機 Beaming machines
91. 漿紗機 Sizing machines
92. 穿經機 Drawing-in machines
93. 結經機 Warp tying machines
94. 織機 Loom
95. 片梭織機 Looms with projectile
96. 噴氣織機 Air jet looms
97. 噴水織機 Water jet looms
98. 劍杆織機 Rapier looms
99. 多相織機 Multiphase looms
100. 有梭織機 Looms with shuttles
101. 有梭織帶機 Ribbon looms with shuttles
102. 無梭織帶機 Shuttle-less ribbon looms
103. 輕薄織物織機 Looms for light fabrics
104. 中厚織物織機 Looms for medium-heavy fabrics
105. 特種織機 Looms for special purposes
106. 毛布、濾布、帆布、呢絨、機織帶、機織傳送帶織機 Looms for felts, filter,sail, cloth, woven,belting, woven convey or belting
107. 長毛絨、絲絨織機 Looms for plush, velvet
108. 割絨地毯織機 Looms for moquettes and carpet
109. 黃麻、椰殼纖維等韌皮纖維用織機 Looms for jute, coir and otherbastfibre
110. 毛圈織物織機 Looms for terryweaving
111. 絲織機 Looms for silk and rayonfabric
112. 簾子布織機 Looms for type cordweaving
113. 彈性織物織機 Looms for elasticfabrics
114. 試樣機 Looms for sample weaving
115. 提花標簽織機 Jacquard label weaving machine
116. 開口機械和輔助機械 Shedding machinery and Auxiliarymachinery
117. 凸輪(開口)裝置 Cam (opening) device
118 .多臂機Dobbies
119. 提花機 Jacquards
120. 提花紋板打孔、複製、串連機連計算器輔助裝置 Jacquards-card punching,repeating and lacingmachines including computer aided devices
121. 織機商標名稱布邊機假邊織造裝置 Devices for woven name selvedges andfalseselvedges
122. 提花機龍頭 Jacquard faucet
123. 織造輔助機械及附加裝置 Weaving auxiliary machinery andadditionaldevices
124. 存緯機 Weft accumulators
125. 筒腳清除機 Bobbins strippers
126. 織機自動化設備 Equipment for loom automation
127. 簇絨機 Tufting machinery
128. 台用樣機和手動簇絨機 Table model and hand tuftingmachines
129. 針織機和織襪機 Knitting & Hosierymachines
130. 針織織襪用準備機 Preparatory machinery forknitting andhosiery
131. 整經機 Warping machines
132. 分條整經機 Sectional warping machines
133. 針織輔助機 Auxiliary machines for knitting
134. 圓針織機 Circular knitting machinery
135. 直徑165毫米以下的單針筒圓形針織機 Single cylinder knittingmachines, up to165mm diameter
136. 直徑165毫米以下的雙針筒圓形針織機 Double cylinder knitting machines, up to165mmdiameter
137. 直徑165毫米以上的圓形針織機 knitting machines, above165mm diameter
138. 橫機及經編機、鉤編機 Flat and warp knitting,Crochet machinery
139. 電腦橫機 Computerized flat knittingmachines
140. 橫機 Flat knitting machines
141. 手搖橫機 Hand-operated flat knitting machines
142. 平型經編機 Flat warp knitting machines
143. 拉舍爾經編機Raschellooms
144. 鉤編機 Crochet machine
145. 其他針織機及襪機 Other knitting & hosiery machines


146. 洗滌、漂白、染色、印花、整理機包裝機械 Washing, Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing,Finishingand Make-up Machinery
147. 洗滌、漂白及濕處理機 Washing, Bleaching and Wettreatmentmachinery
148. 煮呢機 Crabbing machines,Kier
149. 去漿機Desizingmachines
150. 非連續式漂白裝置及機械 Bleaching apparatus andmachines,discontinuous
151. 連續式漂白設備 Bleaching plant forcontinuous operation
152. 紗線洗滌機 Washing machines foryarn
153. 開幅洗滌機 Full-width washing machines
154. 縮呢機 Fulling machines
155. 織物碳化機Carbonizingmachinesfor fabric
156. 紗線絲光機 Mercerizing machines foryarns
157. 織物絲光機 Mercerizing machines for fabrics
158. 染色機及裝置 Dyeing machinery and apparatus
159. 高溫染色高壓釜 High temperature dyeing autoclaves
160. 常壓染色裝置 Dyeing apparatus under atmosphericpressure
161. 噴射染色機 Jet dyeing machines
162. 染色池 Dyeing tanks
163. 軋染機 Padding mangles
164. 卷染機 Dyeing jiggers
165. 針織品染色機 Dyeing machines for hosiery
166. 連續染色設備 Continuous dyeing plant


167. 印花機械 Printing machinery
168. 套色印花機 Top printing machines
169. 紗線印花機連間隔染色 Yarn printing machines includingspacedyeing
170. 平板篩網印花機 Flat screen printingmachines
171. 圓網印花機 Rotary screen printingmachines
172. 熱轉移印花機 Heat transfer printingmachines
173. 滾筒印花機 Roller printingmachines
174. 自動篩網印花機 Automated screen printingcarriages
175. 轉移印花機 Transfer printingcalendars
176 .織物噴色印花機 Ink jet printing machinesfor fabrics(forinkjet printing machines, for garments and finishedproducts)
177. 數碼印花機 Digital printing machine


178. 脫水機 Water extraction machinery
179. 滾筒軋水機 Roller squeezers
180. 抽吸脫水機 Suction extractors
181. 脫水器 Hydro-extractors
182. 拉幅幹燥機Tenteringanddrying machinery
183. 拉幅機Tenteringand stentering machines
184. 熱定型機 Thermo-fixing machines
185. 滾筒烘燥機 Cylinder drying machines
186. 呢毯軋光機 Felt calendars
187. 隧道式幹燥機及箱 Tunnel dryers and drying chambers
188. 履帶式幹燥機 Drying conveyors
189. 長環懸掛烘燥機 Festoon dryers
190. 熱風烘幹機 Hot flues
191. 無張力幹燥機 Tensionless dryers
192. 卷裝快速幹燥機 Rapid package dryers
193. 抽吸式轉筒烘燥機 Suction drum dryers
194. 紅外線幹燥機 Infrared dryers
195. 高頻幹燥機 High frequency dryers
196. 整理機 Finishing machinery
197. 給濕機 Damping machines
198. 蒸化機 Agers, Steaming machines andapparatus
199. 蒸呢機Decatisingmachines
200. 起絨機 Raising machines
201. 剪毛機 Shearing machines
202. “鹿皮”整理機“Suede”finishing machines
203. 刷布機 Clothbrushing machines
204. 絨頭整理機 Pile finishingmachines
205. 揉布整理機 Finish breakingmachines
206. 軋光機Calenders
207. 織物燒毛機 Singeing machines forfabric
208. 滾筒燙平機 Roller presses
209. 織物整理熨燙機 Cloth finishing presses
210. 針織品整理機 Finishing machines for knitwear
211. 收縮整理機/預縮整理機 Machinery for shrinking andfor compressiveshrinking
212. 高溫焙烘機、聚合機Polymerizers
213. 打底機、浸軋機 Padding and impregnatingmachines
214. 塗層機、膠合機和層壓機 Coating machines, Combingmachines andLaminating machines
215. 洗毛脫脂和幹洗機 Degreasing and dry-cleaningmachines
216. 檢驗機包裝機械 Inspecting and Make-upmachinery


217. 針織物檢驗、折布、卷布和測長機 Inspecting, folding, rollingandmeasuringmachines for knitted fabrics
218. 織物檢驗、折布、卷布和測長機 Inspecting, folding, rolling and measuringmachines for fabrics
219. 輔助整理機械及器件 Auxiliary machinery and devicesforfinishing
220. 調色機、濾色漿機、乳化機 Color mixing machines, Colorstrainingmachines,Emulsifying machines
221. 花筒雕刻機 Roller engraving machines
222. 剪毛機、剪毛刀筒用研磨機 Grinding machines forshearing-blades&shearing-cylinders
223. 布邊修剪機 Trimming machines
224. 幾編織袋機 Crochet galloonmachines
225. 網眼機、魚網機 Fishnet machines
226. 飛梭刺繡機 Shuttle head embroidery machines


227. 紡織機械附件 Accessories for textilemachinery
228. 紡機附件 Accessories for spinningmachinery
229. 錠子及零件 Spindles and parts
230. 紡紗用銷(針) Pins for spinning processes
231. 針輥、蓋板、錫林 Needle rollers, flats, Cylinder
232. 針簾、簾棒 Spiked lattices
233. 彈性針布 Flexible card clothing
234. 金屬梳理針布 Metallic card wire
235. 平皮帶及輸送帶 Flat belt and conveyor
236. 羅拉 Roller
237. 膠輥、皮圈 Cots, Aprons
238. 環錠紡和環錠撚線機鋼領 Rings for ring-spinningandring-doublingframes
239. 鋼絲圈及其裝卸工具 Bead and other handingtools
240. 棉條筒 Sliver tube
241. 金屬嘈筒 Noisy metal tube
242. 紗管、筒管 Yarn and bobbin
243. 錠帶、龍帶 Tapes and hoses
244. 牽伸裝置 Drafting system
245. 噴絲板 Spinnerets
246. 導輥 Godets249. 紡絲泵 Spinning pumps
247. 同步帶(輪) Timing belt (rollers)


248. 綜片(絲、絨)、綜Healds(wire, velvet)
249. 鋼筘 Reeds
250. 綜框、通絲Healdframes,hardnesses
251. 邊撐、伸縮器 Temples
252. 斷經自停裝置 Warp stop motions
253. 停經片 Drop wires
254. 斷緯自停裝置 Weft stop motion
255. 探緯器 Weft feelers
256. 皮結合肚檔皮帶 Pickers and lug straps
257. 劍杆帶、劍杆頭 Rapier belt, head
258. 梭子 Shuttle
259. 噴嘴 Nozzle
260. 噴嘴測試儀 Nozzle tester
261. 經軸、織軸 Axis, texture axis
262. 儲緯器 Weft feeders
263. 卷布輥 winding rollers
264. 打結機 Knotting machines
265. 空氣撚接器 Air speicer
266. 穿筘機(架)Reedingmachine(rack)
267. 電磁閥Soledoidvalve
268. 提花機紙板和其他織造用工業紙 Jacquard cards and other technicalpapersforweaving
269. 投梭計數器 Pick counters
270. 驗布機 Inspection machines
271. 大卷裝機外卷 Large outside volume
272. 各種運輸車輛 Transportation vehicles


273. 針織機附件 Accessories for knitting andhosierymachinery
274. 織針 Needle
275. 針筒 Syringes
276. 分條經軸 Sectionalbeams
277. 喂經輪裝置 Feed wheelunits
278. 提花設備 Patterning device


279. 整理機附件 Accessories for finishing machinery
280. 刮剪刀片 Shearing blades
281. 染色錠、染色管及錐形管 Dyeing spindles, dyeing tubes andcones
282. 染色經軸 Dye beams
283. 拉幅機布鋏和針Tenterclipsand pins
284. 轉移印花紙 Papers for transferprinting
285 .印花輥 Stretching rollers
286. 起絨機針布 Card clothing for raising machines
287. 拉幅輥 Stretching rollers
288. 整緯器 Weft straightening devices
289. 簇絨針刀 Needles and knives for tuftingmachines
290. 花邊織機筒管 Lace machinesbobbins
291. 導紗器 Thread-guides
292. 清紗器Slubcatchers
293. 紡紗機用陶瓷附件 Porcelain accessories for textilemachines
294. 皮輥套殼 Rollers cots
295. 紡織機用毛氈或布料附件 Felt or fabric accessories fortextilemachines
296. 紡織機用皮帶 Leather strip for textilemachines


297. 服裝工業機械 Machinery for making-upindustry
298. 裁剪機 Cutting machines
299. 縫紉機 Sewing machines
300. 粘合機 Fusing machines
301. 絎縫機 Quilting machines
302. 縫盤機 Linking machines
303. 打標機 Marking machines
304. 雕花機 Sculpturing machines
305. 熨燙機 Pressing machines
306. 商標機 Label machines
307. 編織機 Knitting machines
308. 滾邊機 Piping machines
309. 飛梭刺繡機 Shuttle embroidery machines
310. 單頭及多頭繡花機 Single and multi-headembroidery machines
311. 特種繡花機 Special embroidery machines
312. 超聲波服裝機械 Ultrasonic apparel machines
313. 縫紉機針 Sewing needles
314. 刺針 Needle